Ningun conocimiento se nos da si no existe en nosotros la voluntad de conocer, ninguna droga nos salva si no queremos ser salvados.

"La experiencia más hermosa que podemos tener es lo misterioso. Es la emoción fundamental de la que
nace todo arte y ciencia verdaderos. Quien no la conozca y ya no pueda sorprenderse ni maravillarse, es
como si estuviera muerto y sus ojos estuvieran cerrados"

"Nada de lo que escuches, sin importar quien lo diga.
Nada de lo que leas, sin importar dónde esté escrito.
Nada debes aceptar, sin previo discernirlo.
Y por ti mismo, deberás decidir su validez o no.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

El científico Dr. Fran De Aquino, destapa el proyecto HAARP.

Un brillante Físico Fran De Aquino, acaba de publicar un estudio científico revolucionario en el que citando a otros 30 papers científicos asegura que HAARP puede no sólo afectar las condiciones geofísicas, geotérmicas, sino también la gravedad, el tiempo y el espacio. 

Según su publicación cuyo alcance ha revolucionado la opinión pública mundial, las nuevas instalaciones de HAARP en la Antártida, van mucho más allá de un simple experimento con el clima, en palabras de Aquino y otros 30 documentos científicos, HAARP tendría capacidad para intervenir en el espacio-tiempo y la gravedad.

El estudio cuenta con más de 30 referencias científicas en las que De Aquino se apoya para sostener sus argumentos. La mayoría de los estudios que cita han pasado la Peer Review.

La prensa internacional apenas ha hecho eco de este hallazgo, que no deja de impresionar a la comunidad científica, si De Aquino está en lo cierto, ya que supondría que realmente HAARP efectivamente iría mucho más allá del mero estudio del clima y/o la Ionosfera.

El título del Paper es:High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause earthquakes, cyclones and localized heating
High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and localized heating
Fran De Aquino
Maranhao State University, Physics Department, S.Luis/MA, Brazil.
Copyright © 2011 by Fran De Aquino. All Rights Reserved
En el abstract del documento podemos leer:
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is currently the most important facility used to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation in the ionosphere. In order to produce this ELF radiation the HAARP transmitter radiates a strong beam of high-frequency (HF) waves modulated at ELF. This HF heating modulates the electrons’ temperature in the D region ionosphere and leads to modulated conductivity and a time-varying current which then radiates at the modulation frequency. Recently, the HAARP HF transmitter operated with 3.6GW of effective radiated power modulated at frequency of 2.5Hz. It is shown that high-power ELF radiation generated by HF ionospheric heaters, such as the current HAARP heater, can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and strong localized heating.
Junto a este estudio, recientemente ha publicado diferentes estudios sobre plasma, antigravedad y otras cuestiones relativas a las ELF y su capacidad para curvar el espacio-tiempo y la gravedad.
En el Paper, se explica claramente cómo afectan las ELF a la generación de Seísmos y la relación existente entre Magnetosfera, Clima, Gravedad y Plasma, y la tecnología utilizada por HAARP.
Junto a este estudio, De Aquino ha publicado recientemente y en relación con la misma materia:
1. Mathematical Foundations of the Relativistic Theory of Quantum Gravity
De AquinoFran, article, Oct 2011
Starting from the action function, we have derived a theoretical background that leads to the quantization of gravity and the deduction of a correlation between the gravitational and the inertial masses, which depends on the kinetic momentum of the …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Gravity Control by means of Electromagnetic Field through Gas or Plasma at Ultra-Low Pressure
De AquinoFran, article, Feb 2011
It is shown that the gravity acceleration just above a chamber filled with gas or plasma at ultra-low pressure can be strongly reduced by applying an Extra Low-Frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field across the gas or the plasma. This Gravitational …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics ANNUAL REPORT 2007… [PDF-3MB]
Jan 2011
…during this past year. prof. dr. B. de Wit prof. dr. K. Schoutens Scientific…inaugural lecture Theoretische fysica en de kennissamenleving at Leiden University on…Prof. dr. A.O. Caldeira (Universidade de Campinas, Brazil) occupied the Kramers…
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The Gravitational Spacecraft
De AquinoFran, article, Oct 2010
There is an electromagnetic factor of correlation between gravitational mass and inertial mass, which in specific electromagnetic conditions, can be reduced, made negative and increased in numerical value. This means that gravitational forces can be …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Gravity Control produced by a Thermoionic Current through the Air at Very Low Pressure
De AquinoFran, article, Oct 2006
It was observed that samples hung above a thermoionic current exhibit a weight decrease directly proportional to the intensity of the current. The observed phenomenon appears to be absolutely new and unprecedented in the literature and can not be …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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A Possibility of Gravity Control in Luminescent Materials
De AquinoFran, article, Apr 2003
It was demonstrated (gr-qc/9910036) that the gravitational and inertial masses are correlated by an adimensional factor, which depends on the incident (or emitted)radiation upon the particle. There is a direct correlation between the radiation absorbed(or …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Correlation Between Gravitational and Inertial Mass: Theory and Experimental Test
De AquinoFran, article, Oct 2002
The physical property of mass has two distinct aspects, gravitational mass and inertial mass. The weight of a particle depends on its gravitational mass. According to the weak form of the equivalence principle, the gravitational and inertial masses are …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Ferromagnetic Antenna and its Application to Generation and Detection of Gravitational Radiation
De AquinoFran, article, Oct 2002
A new type of antenna, which we have called Ferromagnetic Antenna, has been considered for Generation and Detection of Gravitational Radiation. A simple experiment, in which gravitational radiation at 10 GHz can be emitted and received in laboratory, is …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Behavior of Electric Current Subjected to ELF Electromagnetic Radiation
De AquinoFran, article, Oct 2002
Gravitational effects produced by ELF electromagnetic radiation upon the electric current in a conductor are studied. An apparatus has been constructed to test the behavior of current subjected to ELF radiation. The experimental results are in agreement …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Gravitational Radiation from Oscillating Gravitational Dipole
De AquinoFran, article, Oct 2002
The concept of Gravitational Dipole is introduced starting from the recent discovery of negative gravitational mass (gr-qc/0005107 and physics/0205089). A simple experiment, a gravitational wave transmitter, to test this new concept of gravitational …
Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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